The nation’s roads are up for sale. But who should have control over them?
State and local governments are in desperate need of cash for all manner of road, building and bridge repair, and are increasingly turning to private money for funding.

The word “drone” probably doesn’t make you think “fun” or even “useful.” After all, the most familiar unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is the hulking, weaponized, and sinisterly named Predator deployed by the U.S. military.

The uncertainty of 2012 has many pondering how to plan their federal Architecture, Engineering and Construction pipeline for the coming year. By getting back to basics, companies can balance trends found in three sources – historic federal spending , budget requests, and what potential opportunities are to be released in the next 12 to 18 months – to develop a business development plan for 2013. Keep reading →

After years of trailing the Chinese and Japanese, the United States now has three of the four fastest supercomputers in the world. Titan, the U.S. Department of Energy’s top open science supercomputer, was officially crowned the world’s fastest computer on Monday.

No matter who wins the presidency Tuesday, the United States will have a new Treasury Secretary.

Tim Geithner, the last holdover from President Obama’s original economic team, has indicated he’s ready to go. If Obama wins, Geithner is expected to resign soon after, but Treasury officials are mum on the details. Keep reading →

Online voting is taking off in local elections, particularly overseas. But Americans shouldn’t expect to vote for the president on their laptop or iPad anytime soon.

The battle over whether to digitize the voting process has become a full-blown war in the United States, even as countries like Canada, Norway and Australia have increasingly adopted online systems. Keep reading →

The tab for the 2012 election is breaking records, with $4.2 billion raised through Sunday on the races for the White House and Congress.

Never before has so much money flowed into federal races. Much of it comes from the unlimited fundraising power of so-called independent groups, including super PACs. Keep reading →

Federal workers have weathered a two-year pay freeze, increased health insurance premiums, and threats of more cuts from Republicans.

Now their jobs are in jeopardy. Some 277,000 workers — 14% of the federal work force — could lose their jobs in the next 12 months if the U.S. cannot avert the so-called fiscal cliff, according to a study by the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University.

More federal managers view information technology as an opportunity than as a cost, according to a new survey released this week. But with so many other priorities on executives’ plates, and the sense that IT departments could be delivering more effectively than many are, technology leaders have their work cut out in demonstrating that IT can contribute to real cost savings or to better decision making.

More than two thirds of federal executives believe their IT departments understand their agency’s missions and grasp their agencies core challenges. Keep reading →

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Just as the government expands its disaster loan program for businesses hurt by the drought, a new report shows the agency that distributes the loans is letting millions of dollars go unpaid.

As of late last year, taxpayers were owed $171 million for delinquent disaster loans, according to an audit by the inspector general of the Small BusinessAdministration. Keep reading →

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