Judi Hasson


Posts by Judi Hasson

Martin Virgilio, deputy Executive Director for the NRC’s Reactor and Preparedness Programs, has these tips for agencies to stay on top of their game for incident responses:

1. Have a plan on the books for responding to emergencies including facilities, procedures and staff. Be prepared to transport technically qualified and trained staff to a trouble spot immediately. Keep reading →

Pamela Wright, the chief Digital Access Strategist at the National Archives and Records Administration, says every agency can create a digital archive that is easily accessible to the public.

The payoff is enormous: “As we continue to work toward increasing access to NARA’s records online, our goal is to delight online users with a rich website that is easy to use,” Wright said. Keep reading →

Government agencies are going mobile and learning their share of lessons. Scott Orr, mobile content editor at the State Department, has been guiding the department’s mobile website since launching it more than a year ago. And as its worldwide traffic continues to grow, he has gained a number of insights.

“Launching a mobile website is no different than launching a desktop site, it’s all about planning and developing the kind of site that is appropriate for your content and your audience,” Orr says. Keep reading →

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