Harry White

Posts by Harry White

Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to understand and use emotions in a positive and constructive way to manage your emotions and the emotions of others. It is gaining traction as a crucial tool in corporate and government offices around the globe, and as a required workplace skill for government leaders, supervisors and managers.

This movement is supported by numerous studies by workplace and efficiency experts who note an important value of EQ: though intellect is static, EQ can be learned and developed, accelerating productivity and advancing career paths for those who master this valuable skill. Keep reading →

It was standing-room only for an Emotional Intelligence presentation for government leadership development professionals at the recent American Society of Training Developers (ASTD) conference in Orlando.

When asked about the interest in this topic, many government leaders noted the reason it’s becoming such a hot topic in corporate America: there is more stress in government offices today, with significant budget cuts, more long-term knowledge workers retiring, and more work to be done with fewer resources. Keep reading →