Terrorist groups have primarily used physical attack modalities in their efforts to undermine society. Those methods now include cyber attacks.

International sources have released information that British intelligence services have intercepted communications–that they term chatter–that suggest terrorist may be planning a cyber attack on British infrastructure.

As Britain has modernized over the years they have become much more reliant on computer, digital communications and networks. That reliance is very tempting to adversaries. The face of terrorism has continued to change year after year. They adapt, innovate and morph their strategies and tactics.

This threat intelligence came as the government is attempting to bolster cyber defenses by actively encouraging private businesses to work with government agencies and government agencies to share cyber intelligence with private businesses.

GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) is actually considering the commercialization of cyber that is not considered top secret. We should note that the National Security Agency has also opened up and is now sharing a limited amount of cyber threat intelligence with critical infrastructure providers in the United States.

Is this a real threat or more disinformation placed by terrorist to distract authorities? We should all remember that terrorists will use any method within their grasp to disrupt or destroy the targets they choose!

Cyber intelligence is the key to protecting critical infrastructure from the ever growing threat of cyber attack. We must not become complacent and take every piece of threat intelligence seriously. The cost of complacency would be horrendous!