Today’s federal government wields more financial power than ever before. Where does that money go? What will shifts in spending priorities mean to agencies, the public, and the economy at large? Which innovations are disrupting the sector?
Find out every third Wednesday @ 4 ET on “Federal Spending,” a live broadcast and analysis program produced in conjunction with Breaking Gov by Inside Analysis.
Each episode, host Eric Kavanagh will talk to experts in the field – from government contractors to federal employees, volunteers to analysts, academics to watchdog groups – to explore the scope, detail and nature of government contracts. We’ll comb through the official federal budget and incrementally build a picture of where the money goes, department by department, state by state.
The goal of each program is to follow the money, not the politics; to make it engaging for listeners; and to foster a social collaboration in which the people who actually handle federal money will attest to what they’ve seen, spent or distributed.
We welcome suggestions and guest commentators–send us an email at: Inside Analysis.
Latest Episode:
Episode 12: Turning Education on Its Head
March 22, 2012 @ Noon ET
Listen to the archive
Allotted a fraction of the federal budget, $68.1 billion last year, the U.S. Department of Education has stated that its goal for 2013 is to make college more affordable, elevate educator status and improve workplace readiness. Without major infrastructure changes, how can this be accomplished? Are states following suit?
Tune in to this episode of Federal Spending to hear Michael Horn of Innosight suggest how Disruptive Innovation can change the way classrooms are both operated and funded. He will be joined by education author and professor Henry Eyring of BYU-I, who will shed light on the challenges–financial and technological–that post-secondary institutions face. And we’ll hear from Tony Sheehan, our man on the streets of DC.
(Note: This broadcast is currently supported on Windows platforms only. The show will be archived in mp3 format.)
Recent Episodes:
Episode 1: The Big Picture – Budgets, TARP, OFR, Deficits and Metrics
July 14, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 2: Medicare – Problems and Possibilities
July 28, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 3: Debt, Deficits & Creditors
August 11, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 4: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
August 25, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 5: Innovations with Information Technology
September 8, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 6: Transparency Via Dashboards, Queries and Reports
September 22, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 7: The Price of Coal in China
October 6, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 8: Federal Grants!
October 20, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 9: All Roads Lead to Washington – Highways and Transit
November 3, 2011
Watch the archive HERE.
Episode 10: Transparency and the Rise of the Twitterati
January 19, 2012
Listen to the archive HERE.
Episode 11: TARP and Disruptive Innovation
February 16, 2012
Listen to the archive HERE.