Green IT

The Government Accountability Office has identified a number of leading green IT practices used by federal, state, and local government and private-sector organizations that could save millions of dollars if implemented by additional agencies.

According to a GAO report released last week, several agencies have taken steps to implement federal green IT requirements but aren’t able to effectively measure the results of those efforts.
GAO recommended the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in conjunction with the White House Council on Environmental Quality, direct agencies to implement the leading practices as well as develop baselines for their green IT-related goals and, where possible, targets that measure energy or cost savings or other quantifiable benefits. Keep reading →

When the New York Times reported on July 20, 2011 that the federal government plans to close 800 data centers by 2015, you would think that would be new news.

Federal agencies and those in the federal information technology community, however, have been grappling with the news for more than a year–and in particular, an ambitious set of energy efficiency requirements. Keep reading →