The TechAmerica Foundation, which has helped define cloud computing and IT policy discussions in the public sector, announced a new leader today.

Jennifer A. Kerber, considered an expert in technology policy, was named by the Foundation’s board to be the organization’s new president.

Senator Robert F. Bennett, chair of the Foundation board and former senator from Utah, praised Kerber, saying, “As president of the TechAmerica Foundation, (Kerber) brings a wealth of experience, institutional knowledge and passion for the future of technological innovation in America.”

Kerber previously served as vice president at TechAmerica, a trade group which supports the foundation. She has specialized in cloud computing, privacy, security, identity management and government technology adoption.

In her most recent role, she served as staff director for the Commission on the Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of Cloud (CLOUD2), a leading research endeavor by the TechAmerica Foundation, which culminated in a broad set of recommendations for agencies pursuing cloud computing strategies.

“For the United States to continue to be the global leader in technology, we must address key challenges that, left unaddressed, could threaten our future stature, “said Kerber, who was recognized as a 2012 “Fed 100” executive by Federal Computer Week.

“Technology touches every aspect of our lives – in the obvious ways but also more subtle ways that we may never think about. As the Foundation’s President, I’m invested in ensuring that our education efforts deliver that message to the executives, policymakers and opinion leaders we work with,” said Kerber.

Prior to joining TechAmerica, Ms. Kerber spent several years in the federal marketing and lobbying practice of the Jefferson Consulting Group.