White House

Earlier today, The White House updated the IT Dashboard, sharing publicly for the first time detailed IT investment information in support of the President’s FY 2013 Budget.
This article was originally published earlier today in a blog posted on The White House Office of Management and Budget Website by Federal CIO Steve VanRoekel.

The Administration first launched the IT Dashboard back in 2009 as part of our effort to create a more transparent and open government. By publicly posting data on more than 700 IT investments across the Federal government, we armed agencies with the tools needed to reduce duplication in IT spending, strengthen the accountability of agency CIOs, and provide more accurate and detailed information on projects and activities. We also gave Americans an unprecedented window into how their tax dollars were being spent. Keep reading →

During President Barack Obama’s January’s State of the Union address, citizens could follow along in real time with an online slide presentation which showed – in pictures and graphics – the major points the president was making just as he was making them.

The technique brought the viewers into the presentation in a way that simply watching or listening to the event could not. Visually, each of the president’s points was portrayed in a striking way that cemented the ideas in viewers’ minds better than a simple verbal presentation could do – even with the bright lights and grand chamber of the House of Representatives as a venue. Keep reading →

Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel declared BusinessUSA, the administration’s new website designed to help American businesses, officially open for business.

The new website, announced last month, and still in beta, is an online platform that “will make it easier for businesses to access the services and information they need to help them grow, hire and export,” VanRoekel said in a White House blog post Feb. 17. Keep reading →

Chris Vein works for two prominent Obama administration officials who are always in the limelight. Consequently Vein doesn’t get a lot of publicity. If you do a search on his name, the “news” results shows very little.

And that’s all fine with Vein, the deputy Chief Technology Officer. He reports to the chief technology officer (the post Aneesh Chopra held before stepping down earlier this month) and also to John Holdren, the senior advisor to the president for Science and Technology. Both have been highly visible – and in Holdren’s case, controversial – appointees.
This article originally appeared on FedInsider.com
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Proposed increases in federal technology spending aren’t just for back office operations; they’re also expected to help the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency track down illegal immigrants, weed out illegal job applicants and intercept would be terrorists.

Those are just some of the places where hikes in information technology spending in President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2013 budget would be directed, if approved by Congress. Keep reading →

Today the public sector operates in an environment of shrinking budgets. That was certainly apparent in the latest federal budget proposal released this week and the new realities for federal spending agency officials now find themselves.

To meet budget caps and reduction targets, Congress, the White House, and federal departments often use across-the-board percentage reductions. This blunt instrument achieves broad goals without prescribing the specific activities to take the reduction. Keep reading →

The Government Printing Office has just recently released its latest edition of the CIA’s World Factbook–which marks its 50th anniversary in 2012 for the classified version and more than 40 years of publishing the public version.

The 810-page public edition of the CIA’s World Factbook provides not only a timely and valuable source of global information, it also allows us a glimpse into the times and events that necessitated its production. Keep reading →

UPDATED. President Barack Obama reached out across the Internet to engage directly with Americans and small business owners in a live virtual interview staged by The White House Monday. The virtual session, held at 5:30 EST, was hosted by Google and produced using YouTube in what was billed as a post State of the Union Google+ Hangout.

The online question and answer session were streamed live on WhiteHouse.gov, YouTube.com/WhiteHouse and on the White House Google+ page. Keep reading →

The Obama Administration has arguably become one of the most adept administrations in history at harnessing new media technologies to take its case directly to the American public.

How the White House takes advantage of new media can be seen in several White House videos posted on YouTube in the past week. Keep reading →

The White House announced today that Jeffrey Zients will serve as the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Zients is currently deputy director for management and chief performance officer at OMB. He replaces Jack Lew who last week was named as chief of staff to the president after William Daley announced he will be leaving the position later this month. Keep reading →

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