
The White House is providing a new tool for the public to talk to its government.

It’s making it easier for the public to petition the government online through the tool,
We The People. An official response is guaranteed for any petition that draws enough signatures – 5,000 names within 30 days. Keep reading →

Once a fortress a stone’s throw from the White House, the Department of Veterans Affairs is using social media to open its doors and windows and let the sun shine in and becoming a model for other agencies in the process.

Leading the charge into the social media world are two veterans: Brandon Friedman, 33, director of online media and editor of the VA’s blog VAntage Point, and Alex Horton, 26, senior blog writer. Both served in Iraq. Friedman also served in Afghanistan. Keep reading →

See the live version.

Government workers and their contractors are intensely interested in everything that is being said about Gov 20 now and would like a place where they could get a distillation and visualization of that. Well today we can show you one solution that provides some interesting insights!

Chris Holden, Community Manager for Recorded Future, helped me use their tool for visualization of Gov20 events on the Internet from over 25,000 sources dating back to May. Keep reading →

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