
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) scientists at the Monterey Marine Meteorology Division and the Stennis Space Center Oceanography Division, working with other Navy and academic institutes, took part In the Navy fleet experiment TRIDENT WARRIOR 2013 (TW13), July 13-18, demonstrating in-situ atmospheric and oceanic sensing systems and real-time operational mesoscale numerical weather prediction models. “These… Keep reading →

Purdue University researchers have developed a new tool for law enforcement officers and disaster assistance first-responders to reduce crime and assist people. The tool is called the Visual Analytics Law Enforcement Toolkit, or VALET. Developed at Purdue’s Homeland Security Center of Excellence, the toolkit software provides real-time data so officers can analyze high-volume criminal, traffic… Keep reading →

The Army has awarded the Raytheon Company a $3.1 million contract to develop a computer defense technology that constantly changes a network’s characteristics to confuse attackers.

The Morphing Network Assets to Restrict Adversarial Reconnaissance (MORPHINATOR) program is applying a process known as cyber maneuvering to rearrange key network characteristics such as IP addresses, service ports and operating software to prevent intruders from getting a good look at it. Keep reading →

Researchers now have open access to the most advanced, powerful and robust collection of integrated advanced digital resources and services in the world through a $121 million National Science Foundation project.

The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment involves a partnership of 17 institutions to create a global network of computers, data and people to establish a single, virtual system that scientists can interactively use to conduct research directly from their desktops. Keep reading →

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