Mobile Milestones

This is one in a regular series on the latest innovation in mobile apps and mobile technology in the federal government.

With more medical data reaching patients through mobile devices, the Department of Health and Human Services is ramping up its efforts to require that the information be encrypted or otherwise protected from prying. Keep reading →

This is one in a regular series on the latest innovation in mobile apps and mobile technology in the federal government.

The Transportation Security Administration has developed a mobile application which, on the surface, helps travellers, but which also makes the TSA’s job of weeding out potential threats to the system easier as well. It also allows customer feedback in real time. Keep reading →

This is one in a regular series on the latest innovation in mobile apps and mobile technology in the federal government. Keep reading →

This is one in a regular series on the latest innovation in mobile apps and mobile technology in the federal government.

From Smokey Bear to “mobile hogs,” the Department of Agriculture is moving at breakneck speed to integrate mobile apps into every aspect of the far-flung and multi-dimensional department. Keep reading →

The Forest Service is among several federal agencies making the most of mobile technology. As part of its “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires” campaign, the agency has integrated PSA videos, social media and a Smokey Bear app to teach youngsters (and their older counterparts) to pay attention when burning outdoors, whether that involves campfires or the errant cigarette. Among the features of the app are a step-by-step guide to building and extinguishing campfires as well as an interactive map of current wildfires across the country.

A related application is fire prediction software for mobile devices. This software, according to the Forest Service, can help manage forest fires and wild fires by putting data into a device that can help show where the fire may go next. While cautioning that firefighters shouldn’t rely solely on the devices, the Forest Service says the software can be a useful tool in the field. Keep reading →