
The Department of Veterans Affairs is swiftly moving ahead developing secure mobile tools for its workforce as Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel is calling for broader adoption of mobile technology in the federal government.

Stephen W. Warren, the principal deputy assistant secretary for Information and Technology and CIO Roger Baker’s deputy, said Thursday there are a variety of mobile pilot projects underway to better use mobile technology to deliver services to veterans. Keep reading →

The Air Force Special Operations Command announced it plans to buy 2,861 iPad 2 tablets in a move to unload as much as 70 pounds of paper per flight.

The decision, announced in a Dec. 29, 2011, justification and approval notice, and first reported by Nextgov, followed a three-month product evaluation begun last July and completed in the fall on five aircraft. Command officials concluded that iPad not only meet but exceeded AFSOC mission specifications, the report said. Keep reading →

Marine Corps Gen. James E. Cartwright has a long history of commandeering technology before it was ready for the military.

So few were surprised, including Deputy Secretary of Defense Bill Lynn, when Cartwright–better known in defense circles as Hoss Cartwright–was soon brandishing a specially-secured iPad capable of accessing classified military information otherwise off limits to iPad devices. Keep reading →

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