disaster relief

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is ready to debut a high-tech tool to provide quicker disaster relief should it be needed after Hurricane Isaac, expected to hit New Orleans on Wednesday.

Federal officials, working to avoid a repeat of the delayed post-Katrina aid, plan to use a new app to track disaster relief rather than a pen-and-paper process for people applying for help. Keep reading →

The American Red Cross, borrowing an approach used successfully by Dell, launched what’s being billed as the first social media-based operations center devoted to humanitarian relief.

The Digital Operations Center, located in the Red Cross National Disaster Operations Center in Washington, D.C., expands the Red Cross’ ability to engage with the public during emergencies. The new operations center, which Dell help fund and design, is modeled after Dell’s Social Media Listening Command Center, where Dell personnel monitor what customers are saying online about Dell and try to remedy customer issues proactively. Keep reading →