
For those of you who want to read it the old fashioned way, here’s President Obama’s full speech:

Good morning, everybody. Please have a seat. A week ago today, I sent Congress the American Jobs Act. It’s a plan that will lead to new jobs for teachers, for construction workers, for veterans, and for the unemployed. It will cut taxes for every small business owner and virtually every working man and woman in America. And the proposals in this jobs bill are the kinds that have been supported by Democrats and Republicans in the past. So there shouldn’t be any reason for Congress to drag its feet. They should pass it right away. I’m ready to sign a bill. I’ve got the pens all ready. Keep reading →

Alan Blinder, an economics professor at Princeton University, was a member of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Bill Clinton. Glenn Hubbard, dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business, chaired the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush.

The smart money in Washington is betting that the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction — the so-called super committee — will fail because the two parties cannot find common ground. What a shame, because the common ground is there for the taking. Keep reading →