Dave Wennergren

Government contractors need to prepare not only for a more austere future for government spending, but also adapt to a shifting landscape that is favoring task orders over traditional acquisition contracts, a leading government forecasting group said today.

Among the forces reshaping that landscape are agency efforts to accelerate the delivery of technology and other projects. One way they’re doing that is by breaking projects into smaller, more modular chunks. That has resulted in a growing use of task orders, said Kevin Plexico, senior vice president for research and analysis services at Deltek, speaking at Deltek’s FedFocus 2012 forum today. Keep reading →

The Homeland Defense Department will begin testing a new way of provisioning desktop and mobile computing services to employees, using DHS’s private cloud computing services, DHS Chief Information Officer Richard Spires said Tuesday.

The new service will enable employees to order “a virtual desktop capability, with a series of mobile devices–tablets, smartphones–bundled where you pay a fee per user for month,” he said. Keep reading →