data center consolidation

NASA’s deputy CIO Deborah Diaz doesn’t just talk about data center consolidation. She’s rolling up her sleeves and making it happen at the space agency.

Since Diaz joined NASA in 2009, she’s been responsible for shrinking the number of data centers from 79 to 54 and eventually to 22, driven by the Obama administration’s effort to eliminate excessive and duplicative services. Keep reading →

The Department of Health and Human Services has finalized an official mobile strategy and will begin implementing the plan in January, Acting CIO John Teeter announced at a presentation to federal contractors Thursday.

Teeter said the strategy was finalized Wednesday and indicates the department’s commitment to technology and progress. Keep reading →

Stepped up data center consolidation, growing cloud migration and hard-hitting TechStat assessments of federal IT programs are netting more than $6 billion in cost saving implications this year, according to Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel.

VanRoekel used the one year anniversary of the launch of the Federal IT Reform Initiative and the 25 Point Management Reform Plan to tout some of government’s IT accomplishments over the last year in his presentation Federal Information Technology: Doing More with Less through Strategic Investments. Keep reading →

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