Danette Campbell

This is one in a series of profiles on the 2012 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal finalists. The awards, presented by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, recognize outstanding federal employees whose important, behind-the-scenes work is advancing the health, safety and well-being of Americans and are among the most prestigious honors given to civil servants. This profile features a finalist for the Management Excellence medal, Danette Campbell a Senior Telework Advisor at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal government’s leading agency when it comes to teleworking, resulting in increased employee productivity, significant cost savings and improved morale. Keep reading →

Cloud computing, telework and data center consolidation–and a cross section of senior federal IT officials–took center stage at a conference yesterday to discuss ways to use information technology to reduce the total cost of government.

While nobody was willing to predict how the federal budget crunch was likely to impact specific government IT programs, most agreed that cloud computing, telework and data center consolidation are the three major initiatives that federal CIOs and managers must come to terms with in the coming budget cycle. Keep reading →