cloud computing

This is the third article in a four-part series exploring what federal officials need to consider as agencies begin to look beyond current efforts to consolidate government data centers.

With 100 separate networks and operations in 130 countries, having a multi-secure data center environment with multi-tenancy would be a real game changer said the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Mike Mestrovich. Keep reading →

The Federal government is now on track to close 1,080 data centers by 2015 among 3,133 in operation as part of a broader administration effort to reduce duplicative spending and to do more with less.

Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel, however, has signaled a new emphasis on doing “more” — by investing in technology creatively–rather than focusing primarily “on the less” that is typically associated with cuts, including data center closures. Keep reading →

Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel described his path forward for federal IT in a policy speech in Silicon Valley this October and again in the draft Federal IT Shared Services Strategy released just this month. He articulated a “Shared First” paradigm that will lead agencies to root out waste and duplication by sharing IT services, infrastructure, procurement vehicles, and best practices.

This article originally appeared on GSA’s Great Government Through Technology blog.
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In today’s era of budget austerity, every federal agency must improve processes, cut costs and deliver value quickly. BPM (business process management) is one technique that can help develop applications that achieve these objectives.

Combined with cloud, mobile, and social technology, BPM becomes even more powerful, creating an environment to make good on the government’s “Cloud First” policies and taking federal agencies to new heights in mission-critical functions, delivering value in record time. Keep reading →

In this column, which originally appeared at, Earl E. Devaney provides his outlook for the future in the weeks prior to his retirement Dec. 31. The final installment in a series of columns he wrote on the lessons he has learned from his work on the Recovery Board was published in November. The column originally appeared at

In a few days, my 41-year career in government ends. Through this column, the Recovery Board has given me a platform from which to address the need for more transparency and accountability in government, an issue of great importance to all Americans. In this farewell column, I am providing a status report on our work and what might lie ahead. Keep reading →

What you don’t know about your mobile technology can harm you–and your organization–warned a long-time federal intelligence executive now helping the U.S. Army’s leading logistics provider.

That was the impetus behind a new seven minute video developed for the 70,000 employees of the Army Materiel Command, but which offers a primer for virtually anyone using a mobile smart phone or laptop for work. Keep reading →

The General Services Administration will begin accepting applications Jan. 9, 2012, for the first group of companies to be chosen as Third Party Assessment Organizations (3PAO) for the newly launched FedRAMP initiative, also known as the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program program.

Officials for GSA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology made the joint announcement during the “Industry Forum on FedRAMP and Third Party Assessment Organizations”, held December 16 at GSA headquarters in Washington, DC. The half-day session presented the most up-to-date guidance for industry representatives on the FedRAMP Third Party Assessment Organization (3PAO) application process. Keep reading →

NASA’s deputy CIO Deborah Diaz doesn’t just talk about data center consolidation. She’s rolling up her sleeves and making it happen at the space agency.

Since Diaz joined NASA in 2009, she’s been responsible for shrinking the number of data centers from 79 to 54 and eventually to 22, driven by the Obama administration’s effort to eliminate excessive and duplicative services. Keep reading →

The Department of Health and Human Services has finalized an official mobile strategy and will begin implementing the plan in January, Acting CIO John Teeter announced at a presentation to federal contractors Thursday.

Teeter said the strategy was finalized Wednesday and indicates the department’s commitment to technology and progress. Keep reading →

If you have been at a recent Washington Capitals hockey game when the opponent scores a goal, you know the crowd routinely shouts out “Who cares!”

Last week, Steven VanRoekel, Federal CIO, released the long awaited OMB plan for the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, or FedRAMP; which reminds me to be thankful for pronounceable acronyms. The purpose of FedRAMP per the implementing OMB memorandum, is to “provide a cost-effective, risk-based approach for the adoption and use of cloud services”. Keep reading →

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