citizen engagement

This article is adapted from a blog post on, the website of the U.S. chief information officer and the Federal CIO Councils. Nitin Pradhan is CIO of the Department of Transportation.

President Obama unveiled the National Open Government Action Plan today to highlight the Administration’s commitment to open government. The Status Report is currently available on the White House Open Government Initiative blog and reports on the progress made towards transparency, participation, and collaboration with the public over the past two-and-a-half years. Keep reading →

Earlier last month, OMB Director Jacob Lew released a memorandum for the heads of all federal departments and agencies, which focused on four areas for which all federal chief information officers (CIOs) have authority and “a lead role”: Governance, Commodity IT, Program Management, and Information Security. The memorandum further reinforced responsibilities of the Federal CIO Council to manage the federal IT portfolio across agency boundaries.

The OMB action provides impetus for CIOs to leverage Obama Administration initiatives in driving change in their agencies, and represents and important signal of support for the position from the Administration – especially notable in light of its issuance just as the new Federal CIO, Steve VanRoekel, was taking the reigns from Vivek Kundra. Keep reading →

Last week’s 5.8 magnitude earthquake along the east coast and the subsequent battering by Hurricane Irene unleashed not only a heavy dose of nature’s fury, but also a torrent of social media messaging.

And perhaps more than ever before, the federal government played a prominent role in the dialogue. While figures for this past week’s activity are still being gathered, a snapshot of social media use by federal agencies in mid-August, assembled by Breaking Gov, shows its no longer just the White House that is gaining a growing social media following. Keep reading →

Which Android app is the real #FEMA Android app? #mobile #opengov #android @AliceLipowicz

As Hurricane Irene threatens the East Coast, FEMA has introduced a new mobile app to get information about how to prepare for and recover from hurricanes and other disasters.

Administrator Craig Fugate, who’s been quite busy this week, demonstrates the new app in a video on the FEMA blog. The tool allows users to: Keep reading →

Once a fortress a stone’s throw from the White House, the Department of Veterans Affairs is using social media to open its doors and windows and let the sun shine in and becoming a model for other agencies in the process.

Leading the charge into the social media world are two veterans: Brandon Friedman, 33, director of online media and editor of the VA’s blog VAntage Point, and Alex Horton, 26, senior blog writer. Both served in Iraq. Friedman also served in Afghanistan. Keep reading →

See the live version.

Government workers and their contractors are intensely interested in everything that is being said about Gov 20 now and would like a place where they could get a distillation and visualization of that. Well today we can show you one solution that provides some interesting insights!

Chris Holden, Community Manager for Recorded Future, helped me use their tool for visualization of Gov20 events on the Internet from over 25,000 sources dating back to May. Keep reading →

The National Science Foundation has launched two new multimedia-based mobile products that offer access to breaking science and engineering news along with engaging images and video from around the world.

Science360 Radio, available on the iPhone and iPad, focuses on the latest developments in scientific research, providing a variety of science topics with continuous audio programming 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from mainstream media outlets, colleges and universities, and more through mobile technology. Keep reading →

A new free mobile app from the FBI allows parents to instantly share crucial information with authorities if a child goes missing.

Child ID app-the first mobile application created by the FBI-provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and vital information about your children, such as height and weight, that can be show to security or police officers on the spot. It also allows users to quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities. The FBI and iTunes will not collect or store any photos or information that you enter in the app. All data resides solely on the user’s mobile device unless it’s sent to authorities. Keep reading →

The Department of Energy has completed an overhaul of its web site that offers consumers and businesses better access to money- and energy-saving information and resources and department officials.

The redesign makes a cutting-edge, interactive information platform that will save taxpayers more than $10 million annually, according to a department statement released today. Keep reading →

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