Amy Bower

Growing up I was aware of the Apollo moon landings but never dreamed of working for NASA. I grew up in a small rural Ohio community and spent most of my time with the animals or exploring the woods. My love for animals and nature led me to consider careers as a veterinarian or marine biologist. I loved science, math and music. While my career is based on science and math, music remains a big part of my life outside work. In college, I could not quite decide on a major. I didn’t want a job where I did the same thing every day-that would be too boring. I wanted something ever-changing to keep me active and engaged. Following my love for science and math, I graduated with a B.S. in Occupational Health and Safety.

Looking for my first “real job”, a mentor suggested I apply at NASA Lewis (now Glenn) Research Center. When I was hired as an industrial hygienist, I truly expected to stay only five years before moving on to private industry. However, once I got here I found many opportunities that kept me active and engaged. My assignments have changed every 3 to 5 years allowing me to learn new things and stretch myself. I’ve been with NASA over 25 years now and I haven’t gotten bored yet. Being part of NASA, supporting aerospace research, development and innovation, has been extremely rewarding. I have seen a Shuttle roll-out, two launches and a landing and I got goose bumps and teary-eyed each time. Keep reading →