
EPA Issues Final Geologic Carbon Sequestration Regulations


By ENERGY SOLUTIONS FORUM on January 14, 2014 at 3:30 PM Geologic Carbon Sequestration Schematic (EPA) EPA has issued final Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations to conditionally exclude carbon dioxide (CO2) streams in geologic sequestration activities from the definition of hazardous waste. On January 3, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued final revisions for… Keep reading →


Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on the White House blog. Today, President Obama signed a memorandum establishing the federal government’s first Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) process, fulfilling an important commitment from his Climate Action Plan and ensuring that federal energy policies continue to meet the nation’s economic, environmental and security goals. Over the next four years, the QER will provide a… Keep reading →

During the last few years, the pace of microgrid deployment has accelerated rapidly around the world, in a variety of application segments. Now, the industry is moving into the next phase of project development, focusing on how to develop projects on commercially viable terms. Click to tweet: According to a new report from Navigant Research,… Keep reading →

Wisconsin Lawmakers To Debate Bill That Would Cripple Wind Energy In State

  Last year, the US wind industry Production Tax Credit was scheduled to expire at the end of December and the news media was all over it. The PTC is also scheduled to expire that the end of this year, but the issue is getting much less attention, why is that? Senator Don Nickles, who… Keep reading →

House Republication Conference Holds Weekly Meeting

  An article in The New Yorker features an interview with John Podesta, a newly appointed White House Advisor on energy and climate issues, who claims Republican lobbying efforts against the Keystone XL Pipeline backfired. Podesta said the pipeline was “rolling toward approval,” but strong-arm tactics led by API slowed the approval process long enough… Keep reading →

More than 60 advanced biofuel companies and four leading trade organizations today wrote to leaders of the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees, encouraging Congress to extend critical tax provisions set to expire at the end of this month. The Advanced Ethanol Council, Advanced Biofuel Association, Algae Biomass Organization and Biotechnology Industry Organization… Keep reading →

Leaders from Renewable Energy Group® (NASDAQ: REGI) joined more than two dozen biodiesel advocates in providing testimony at an Environmental Protection Agency hearing on the proposed 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard volumes. Gary Haer, REG Vice President, Sales and Marketing and Bruce Lutes, General Manager of the company’s biodiesel refineries in Danville, Illinois and Newton, Iowa… Keep reading →

Clean Energy Trust, with the support of United Airlines, The Boeing Company and Honeywell UOP, has created a $50,000 Aviation Energy Prize for developing alternatives to traditional fossil fuels for airline and airport operations. The prize will be awarded to a team of entrepreneurs from the Midwest at the 2014 Clean Energy Challenge on April… Keep reading →

Last night, the Colorado Cleantech Industries Association (CCIA) presented awards to nine recipients at the annual “Colorado Cleantech Awards Celebration.” Recipients were acknowledged for their efforts in advancing Colorado’s cleantech ecosystem, increasing jobs and driving innovation in the cleantech sector. “We are thrilled to recognize this year’s winners for their outstanding contributions to Colorado’s cleantech… Keep reading →

Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released a new report detailing how congressional candidates are benefitting from companies operating hydraulically fractured wells and trade associations supporting the fracking industry. In the new report, Natural Cash: How the Fracking Industry Fuels Congress, CREW — utilizing federal campaign contribution data tracked by MapLight —… Keep reading →

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