The largest Wall Street settlement with the US government in history is under threat as JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon faces off against US Attorney General Eric Holder. The financial sector, the housing industry and DC insiders are watching the latest crisis emerge in discussions over a settlement involving JP Morgan’s purchase of Washington… Keep reading →
FDIC Settlement Fight Sparks Broader JP Morgan-Justice Department Settlement Concerns
By Peter Gardett, Breaking Media
A sizable majority of federal employees believe they have the skills to do their jobs and fulfill their agency missions, according to the 2012 “Best Places to Work in the Federal Government” report released by the Partnership for Public Service.
Among 10 workplace categories that drive employee satisfaction working for government, employees government-wide gave the match between their skills and mission the highest rating, with a score of 77.3 on a scale of 100. This was a slight drop from 2011 when the score was 78.6.
This is one in a series of reports on the 2012 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government. For more news and insights on innovations at work in government, please sign up for the AOL Gov newsletter. For the quickest updates, like us on Facebook.
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Feds@Work: FDIC Director Leads Workforce Through Economic Meltdown
By Partnership for Public ServiceThis is one in a series of profiles on the 2012 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal finalists. The awards, presented by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, recognize outstanding federal employees whose important, behind-the-scenes work is advancing the health, safety and well-being of Americans and are among the most prestigious honors given to civil servants. This profile features a finalist for the Management Excellence medal, Arleas Upton Kea, director of the Division of Administration at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Washington, D.C.
As the nation’s economic meltdown unfolded, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) needed to greatly increase its staff to deal with hundreds of failing financial institutions and complete an aggressive set of bank examinations. At the same time, employee surveys revealed there was a declining level of job satisfaction at the regulatory agency. Keep reading →
Innovation seems to be this decade’s buzzword. It’s what “synergy” was to the 1990s, but what does it really mean?
Put simply, innovation is the process of improving, adapting or creating a product, system or service. According to federal employees, some agencies do it better than others. Keep reading →