Sanjay Singh

Posts by Sanjay Singh

With the deadline just days away for states to declare whether they will institute their own health insurance exchanges as outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), many states in the U.S. have yet to formally declare their intentions. Their delay is only one factor threatening to slow down progress on an already rough-hewn path to implementation of health exchanges, which are scheduled to be fully operational with policies taking effect in January 2014.

The state exchanges are a marketplace for health insurance products where, in theory, consumers and small businesses can shop for insurance at competitive rates, enroll in plans and find transparent information on premiums, coverage, and benefits. Exchanges are familiar to any consumer who has experienced the ease of buying airline tickets online using aggregator services, such as Expedia. However, buying health insurance is not the same as buying an airline ticket from Chicago to New York. The stakes are much higher; the issues, more complex. It is not a matter of two double clicks and you’re done. Keep reading →